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VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome African Violet & Bloom 8 oz
Use to feed all African Violets and other flowering plants. May be used every time you water or once or twice per month. Always read and follow label instructions.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome All Purpose Houseplant 8 oz
Use to feed all potted plants, indoors and outdoors, including houseplants. May be used every time you water or once or twice per month.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food 1.5 lb
This 20-20-20 plant food is ideal for all potted plants. Works best when used as a soil drench combined with a foliar spray. Apply at every watering or at least every 3 to 4 days. Always Read and Follow Label Directions.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Bloom & Root Soluble Plant Food 1.5 lb
A highly concentrated plant food that helps promote vigorous blooming, root development, larger blooms on flowering shrubs, trees, Roses, Orchids, Tomatoes and all blooming and fruit bearing plants. Always Read and Follow Label Directions.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Brush & Stump Killer
For the control of unwanted woody plants, vines, and broadleaf weeds around homes, cabins, fences, walkways, and other non-crop areas.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Cactus/Succulent Food 8 oz
Use to feed Cactus, Jade, Aloe and all Succulents. May be used every time you water or once or twice per month
This product is a concentrate and must be diluted with water.
This product is a concentrate and must be diluted with water.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Caterpillar Killer w/Bt 32 oz
Kills worms & caterpillar stage insects that eat treated foliage, then stop feeding & damaging plants. No effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects when used as directed. Acceptable for use on edible plants up to the day of harvest. OMRI Listed.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Come & Get It Slug & Snail Bait
For use around vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees, lawns, gardens. Kills select snails and slugs. See list below. OMRI Listed Product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Come & Get It Spinosad Plus 1 lb
For use around vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees, lawns, gardens. Kills snails, slugs, some ants, and other listed insects. Also kills earwigs, cutworm, sowbugs, pillbugs, crickets. OMRI Listed Product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Copper Fungicide
Use on select vegetables, fruits, nuts, ornamentals & turf. Controls certain plant diseases: Needle Blight, Blackspot, Anthracnose, Leaf and Fruit Spot, Cedar Apple Rust, Powdery Mildew, Early & Late Tomato Blight & Peach Leaf Curl. OMRI Listed product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
Derived from concentrated fish solubles that supply essential nutrients for the development of green foliage, vigorous root systems and solid plant structure.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Fungicide 5
Spray & drench applications for control of listed diseases affecting foliage, roots and tubers. Provides fungal and bacterial plant protection.May be used up to the day of harvest. OMRI listed product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Horticultural Oil
Use On Roses, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables, Houseplants and Trees to control many insects. Use as a dormant and growing season insect spray. Avoid applications when plants are under moisture stress, such as during drought. OMRI Listed product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome HuMic Granular Humid Acid 20 lb
HuMic Granular Humic Acid soil amendment is for Vegetables Gardens, Flowerbeds and Indoor Plants. This soil conditioner comes from decomposed organic plant material. It enhances nutrient uptake, stimulates soil life, and encourages root development.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome MoleGo Granules 10 lb
Protect new plantings from burrowing pests. Repels Moles, Gophers, Armadillos, Ground Hogs & other burrowing animals from your lawn. Apply as soon as Moles are detected in early spring, mid-summer and early fall.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Neem
OMRI listed pest and disease control product. Controls Insects and Diseases listed on label. See Description below.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Over The Top Grass Killer 8 oz
Controls Annual & Perennial Grass Weeds. Systemic selective broad spectrum post-emergent herbicide that can be sprayed to control annual and perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetables, gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals and ground covers.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Rooting Powder 2 oz
For rooting houseplants and ornamental cuttings. This product may also be used for general treatment of bulbs, roots and ornamental plants.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Spinosad Concentrate
Use on Vegetables, Fruits & Citrus to kill Leafminers, Borers, Leaf Roller, Thrips, Caterpillars, Colorado Potato Beetles. Use on Lawns, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & Flowers to Kill Armyworms, Sod Worms, Cat Fleas, Fire Ants, Loopers, Bagworms. OMRI Listed.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Spinosad Soap Ready-to-Use 32 oz
For outdoor residential use in home gardens, lawns, ornamentals and greenhouses. Controls a variety of plant pests. See Full list below. This is an OMRI Listed product.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Triple Action
OMRI Listed Product. New Formulation Use on Fruits, Herbs, Nuts, Spices, Vegetables & Roses, Flowers & Shrubs. Provides quick and more complete control. Acts as an "exciter" to flush insect pests out of hiding and into direct contact with spray residues.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Weed-Out w/ Crabgrass Killer
Gets Rid of the Tough Weeds - Roots and All! Controls Over 200 Weeds. New Formulation. Proven Performance. Controls both grassy and broadleaf weeds.
VPG (Fertilome/Hi-Yield)
Fertilome Yield Booster Ready-to-Use 32 oz
Helps stop blossom end rot on Tomatoes. Supports setting of fruit and corrects calcium deficiencies. Blossom end rot can be recognized by dark grey/ black sunken areas on the blossom end. It can be small or cover almost half the fruit and decrease yield.