Free Workshop: Getting Started with California Native Plants

Seven years ago, San Leandro gardener Stefanie Pruegel converted her entire yard into a California native plant garden, which has been featured on the "Bringing Back The Natives” Garden Tour.

She transformed 5,000 square feet of sad-looking, weedy lawn into a thriving habitat garden with abundant butterflies, bees, and birds. Her yard now delights wildlife and provides a relaxing outdoor living space for humans.

Stefanie will share her gardening journey including: sheet mulching away the lawn, designing her multiple yard spaces, choosing native plants, and maintaining the garden over the years.

California native plants are not only critical to sustaining our local biodiversity, they are also better adapted to our climate, less prone to pests, more resistant to diseases, drought tolerant, and naturally beautiful.

Come learn with Stefanie and get inspired to use these remarkable plants in your own landscapes. There’ll be time for Q&A so bring your garden questions!

Register via our Eventbrite page:

Evergreen Nursery